We accepted the kind invitation of a club table in the Vancouver Nature & Bird Expo this week. It was in the West Wing of Vancouver Convention Centre. https://www.iocongress2018.com/nature-bird-expo
Julian > “It’s a big conference with the International Ornithological Congress in Vancouver this year. 3,000 or so scientists. All bird enthusiasts. Thursday, Friday and Saturday are public days. There’s a lot to enjoy here. Everything about birds!
There are Bird mimes, bird sounds, bird theatre, live birds ( a falcon, a big,tame barn owl), bird projects, bird conservation, bird camera lens, bird tracking systems, lots of bird art, beautiful bird music .. much more.. specialist research projects on boards and displays. The space well organized with places to stop for coffee and chat.
Our table is “Birds on World Currency”
Mike for North Shore Numismatic Society looked after the modern coins and currency:
Julian and Gene
Vancouver Ancient Coin Club
Julian > “People liked the Modern bird coins, showed polite interest in the historical detail of Roman bronze birds but they were enthralled by the shiny silver Athena Owl. We marvelled at handling a coin that had once been handled by an ancient greek – 2,400 years ago!
Every coin with a bird !
Everyone passionate about birds, naturally. Bird intelligence and communications skills are increasingly well researched. The ancients knew this about birds too.
A lot of people asked about stamps including the recent Canada Post Bird issue. Everyone was delighted to receive a lucky IOC Dove that Gene and Mike had put together with 1967 Dove cents.

A bird striding about. A bird with a very loud call!

A real live Barn Owl
Thank you Bekircan Tahberer for your support and Birds on Ancient Coins presentation.
Thank you Paul Anderson of Praefectus Coins for your support and coins.
Thank you Brian Grant Duff of All Nations Stamp and Coin for your support